Doug Van Der Aa, CPA, JD

Doug Van Der Aa, CPA, JD, is a lively and energetic speaker on the subject of taxes and ethics, and has extensive experience in leading discussions for conferences, seminars and webinars. He is a highly rated speaker and seminar leader for state CPA societies and other organizations throughout the country.

Van Der Aa has more than 25 years of experience, including tax practice in CPA firms and the practice of transactional business and real estate law as an attorney. His practice concentrated on the tax needs of closely held businesses, with their related pass-through entities, complex individual returns, estates and trusts.

Van Der Aa taught for 10 years as an adjunct instructor and for one year as assistant professor of accounting and taxation for Grand Valley State University’s Seidman College of Business, where he taught in both the undergraduate and MST programs.

Product Type
Live Webcast Replay

Fiduciary Accounting & Tax Planning for Estates & Trusts

Total Credits: 4 including 2 Accounting - Technical, 2 Taxes - Technical

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
ACPEN Industry Institute |  Accounting and Auditing |  IRS Approved |  Tax
Doug Van Der Aa, CPA, JD
4 Hours
$129.00 - Webcast

Product Type
Live Webcast Replay

Proper Financial Accounting for Partnerships and LLCs

Total Credits: 4 including 4 Accounting - Technical

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
ACPEN Industry Institute |  Accounting and Auditing
Doug Van Der Aa, CPA, JD
4 Hours
$129.00 - Webcast

Product Type
Live Webcast Replay

Proper Financial Accounting for S Corporations

Total Credits: 4 including 4 Accounting - Technical

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
ACPEN Industry Institute |  Accounting and Auditing
Doug Van Der Aa, CPA, JD
4 Hours
$129.00 - Webcast

Showing 46 to 48 of 48 entries